Sun, 1 April 2007
-The Efficient Market Principle
-Secret to making unusually High Profits -Funny (but embarrassing) resume typos Welcome to the MBA Working Girl Podcast - Where Business Theory and the Real World Collide! Our mission is to bring you tips and information to help you take your career to the next level. Be more effective. Get a promotion. Become a better manager. Make your business more profitable. "He who hesitates is last" -Mae West (1892-1980) This podcast discusses an advanced Economic topic, called the Efficient Market Principle, using an easy to understand example. You'll learn about what's required to make unusually high profits in any industry or marketplace. Hear some funny resume typos - I hope none of them are yours! If you enjoy the podcasts, remember that subscribing at iTunes or your favorite podcatcher is always free. You can take the shows with you on your iPod or other portable media player - or listen directly from your computer. Feel free to email your questions or comments to Thanks for listening- Do Good Work, Laura
Direct download: MBA_WGP_5_-_He_Who_Hesitates_is_Last.mp3
Category: podcasts -- posted at: 2:50 PM