-Traditional vs. Non-Traditional MBA programs
-What does an MBA degree cost?
-Going Green listener comment

Welcome back to the MBA Working Girl Podcast-Where Business Theory and the Real World Collide! I'm your host, Laura Adams.

MBA Essential Tip:
Have you ever wondered what all the new MBA programs are about and what they cost? Why aren't there so many options for nursing school or engineering programs? The reason is simple demand for the MBA degree. Whether you want to go back to school during the day, weeknight, weekend, or via computer, there's a program for you! MBA programs are certainly a great profit center for many public and private universities these days.
Getting an advanced business degree is a great feather in your cap that can help you get:
-More responsibility
-More income
-More credibility
-Flexibility to change careers
-More security in a down economy
-Marketable skills and training
-More confidence
-A wider professional network

"Only the educated are free" - Epictetus (55-135 AD)

In this show I'll review different types of MBA programs that are available today. I share specific program details and prices from my alma mater, the University of Florida.
Also hear a great "Going Green" listener comment about show #27 that you can put to use today!

If you enjoy the show, consider taking a few minutes to write a brief review at iTunes. Please click here to go to the MBA WGP page.
Keep the feedback and comments coming to !

Thanks for listening-
Do Good Work, Laura

Direct download: MBA_WGP_29_-_Only_the_Educated_are_Free.mp3
Category: podcasts -- posted at: 10:19 PM

MBA programs are certainly a great profit center.I see!

posted by: Terminal Block on Thu, 12/27 02:31 AM EST

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