-Professional Communication, part 2
-Presentation Do's and Don'ts
-Tips for Overcoming Anxiety/Appearing Confident

Welcome back to the MBA Working Girl Podcast-Where Business Theory and the Real World Collide! I'm your host, Laura Adams.

MBA Essential Tip:
When you give a speech or presentation, it's always possible that you'll get a question that you can not answer. Before you craft a presentation, try to anticipate what difficult questions you might hear. Find out the answers and practice your responses.

But if you don't know the answer, you must admit it. A great way to solve this problem is to ask your audience if anyone knows the answer. You can also suggest a good source to find the answer, or offer to research the issue and follow up with the individual or group.

Here's the best way to organize presentations-

A. Introduction
     1. Gain Attention
     2. Why Listen
     3. Thesis
     4. Preview Body
     5. Transition

B. Body
Main Point 1 with support, transition to 2
Main Point 2 with support, transition to 3
Main Point 3 with support, transition to Conclusion

C. Conclusion
Review each Main Point
Tie In

This episode is the 2nd in our 2-part series on Professional Communication. You'll learn about how to structure the Body and Conclusion of a great presentation.

I offer lots of suggestions about how to easily overcome anxiety, appear confident, and give a top-notch delivery.

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Thanks for listening-
Do Good Work, Laura

Direct download: MBA_WGP_32_-_See_the_Means_of_Persuasion.mp3
Category: podcasts -- posted at: 11:50 AM

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