Thu, 22 November 2007. Our texts are designed to inspire you to be active, develop business ideas, and teach you how to turn ideas into action. In creating podcasts, we use a pre written paper from as well as our own reflections on certain blocks of questions.
-401k Retirement Plan Distributions
-Penalties for Early Withdrawals -What qualifies for a Hardship Distribution? Welcome back to the MBA Working Girl Podcast-Where Business Theory and the Real World Collide! I'm your host, Laura Adams. Thanks to Small Business Trends Radio for your review of the show and for including us on your 100 Small Business Audio Podcasts list! And we also appreciate the Bootstrapper blog for including us in your Top 100 Entrepreneur Podcast entry. MBA Essential Tip: Administrators of retirement plans now have the option to add a Roth component to 401(k) plans. If this is an option for you, should you take advantage of it? With a regular 401(k), you get an immediate tax break because the investment is made from your income before it's been taxed. You contribute pre-tax dollars. Regular 401(k) funds are not taxed until you receive a distribution. With a Roth 401(k), your investment is made from income after it's been taxed. So when you finally receive a distribution, you pay no tax - the tax break comes later. If you think your tax rate is higher now than it will be when you start taking distributions, the regular plan is the smarter option. If you have to pay taxes, they should be lower rather than higher, right! But if you think your tax rate will be higher when you'll take distributions, you'll want to consider the Roth option. In this show I discuss a Personal Finance topic about some of the details of 401k Retirement Savings Plans. There are many specifics that can vary from employer to employer. So always be sure to research your own 401k plan when you have a question about what's possible. I'll tell you what early distributions are not taxable and introduce you to situations that would qualify for a Hardship Distribution. We'll discuss penalties that involve additional taxes and suspension of your ability to contribute. Thanks to those of you who are subscribed to the show through iTunes or now with Zune! I'd love your feedback about the show or suggestions for future show topics of interest. Email or call in to the voice mail line at . Thanks for listening- Do Good Work, Laura
Direct download: MBA_WGP_34_-_The_Responsibility_of_Tomorrow.mp3
Category: podcasts -- posted at: 2:43 PM
Thu, 8 November 2007
-Listener Email
-Comments, Questions and Answers -Making Personal Recommendations at work -The real deal on Consumer Financing Welcome back to the MBA Working Girl Podcast-Where Business Theory and the Real World Collide! I'm your still-congested host, Laura Adams. A nasty cold has kept me away too long - but I'm feeling soooo much better! MBA Essential Tip: Are consumer sales financing offers demonic or angelic? It's all in the eyes of the beholder. The real answer depends on whether you're financially responsible. Can you pay your bills on time consistently? If you answer yes, you can use "Same as Cash" financing deals to delay payment for products like appliances, furniture, or floor covering. If you pay the total amount off by the end of the term - either in smaller regular payments or in a lump sum - you eliminate ALL interest and fees. You get to take delivery of products for 6 months, 12 months, or sometimes 24 months while your money can be working for you earning interest. But if you don't pay the TOTAL amount off by the end of the term, you will be subject to a high interest rate that began accruing on the date of purchase. This is the worst form of debt - high interest owed on consumer purchases that started depreciating the moment you took delivery of them. Here's a typical deal-make sure you understand it before signing on the dotted line for consumer financing: Six Months Same As Cash, Payment Deferred Subject to credit approval. Finance charges accrue from the date of the sale unless the Same As Cash plan balance is paid in full prior to the Same As Cash expiration date. Regular credit terms apply after the Same As Cash period. Terms subject to change without notice. Annual Percentage Rate: 21.90% In this show I'll share great listener emails with you. Send your feedback to Thanks for listening- Do Good Work, Laura
Direct download: MBA_WGP_33_-_Great_Listener_Email.mp3
Category: podcasts -- posted at: 8:50 PM
Sun, 21 October 2007
-Professional Communication, part 2
-Presentation Do's and Don'ts -Tips for Overcoming Anxiety/Appearing Confident Welcome back to the MBA Working Girl Podcast-Where Business Theory and the Real World Collide! I'm your host, Laura Adams. MBA Essential Tip: When you give a speech or presentation, it's always possible that you'll get a question that you can not answer. Before you craft a presentation, try to anticipate what difficult questions you might hear. Find out the answers and practice your responses. But if you don't know the answer, you must admit it. A great way to solve this problem is to ask your audience if anyone knows the answer. You can also suggest a good source to find the answer, or offer to research the issue and follow up with the individual or group. Here's the best way to organize presentations- A. Introduction 1. Gain Attention 2. Why Listen 3. Thesis 4. Preview Body 5. Transition B. Body
Main Point 1 with support, transition to 2 C. ConclusionMain Point 2 with support, transition to 3 Main Point 3 with support, transition to Conclusion
Review each Main Point Tie In This episode is the 2nd in our 2-part series on Professional Communication. You'll learn about how to structure the Body and Conclusion of a great presentation. I offer lots of suggestions about how to easily overcome anxiety, appear confident, and give a top-notch delivery. When you're on iTunes, please take a few minutes to post a review of the show. Or simply click this link to our iTunes podcast page. Email is always welcome at . Thanks for listening- Do Good Work, Laura
Direct download: MBA_WGP_32_-_See_the_Means_of_Persuasion.mp3
Category: podcasts -- posted at: 11:50 AM
Sat, 13 October 2007
-Professional Communication, part 1
-Secrets to Persuasive Presentations Welcome back to the MBA Working Girl Podcast-Where Business Theory and the Real World Collide! I'm your host, Laura Adams. MBA Essential Tip: Making an effective oral presentation can be a great boost to your career. It's a skill that's required as we move into positions of greater responsibility and leadership. If you show an ability to present well, you can be thought of as a leader. So consider every chance to speak as a serious opportunity to sell your competence to your organization. Great presentation skills can be largely attributed to natural ability - however, with practice they can be learned. There are 4 different delivery styles that are used: 1) Extemporaneous - previously planned but delivered with the help of few or no notes. 2) Impromptu - delivered without previous preparation 3) Memorization - previously planned and recited from memory 4) Reading - previously planned and read from notes The first style - extemporaneous - is the best way to give a successful business presentation! "Think like a wise man but communicate in the language of the people." -William Yeats (1865-1939) This episode is the first of a two-part series on Professional Communication. Use this information to get more comfortable with making presentations yourself or to evaluate others who present to you. We'll discuss the 5 components of the Introduction in show #31. Then cover the Body and Conclusion, plus tips for overcoming anxiety, appearing confident, and making a top-notch delivery in show #32. Please send email feedback to . Thanks for listening- Do Good Work, Laura
Direct download: MBA_WGP_31_-_Communicate_in_the_Language_of_the_People.mp3
Category: podcasts -- posted at: 4:25 PM
Sat, 6 October 2007
-Using Internal Controls for success
-Cell Phone policies at work -10 Cell Phone Tips for professionals Welcome back to the MBA Working Girl Podcast-Where Business Theory and the Real World Collide! I'm your host, Laura Adams. MBA Essential Tip: Internal Controls fall into two main categories - financial and administrative. You have probably heard of Sarbanes-Oxley. This is a major financial control that became law in the U.S. for public companies. It was named after Senator Paul Sarbanes and Representative Michael Oxley. It's long name is the Public Company Accounting Reform and Investor Protection Act of 2002. It's purpose as stated on is, "to improve quality and transparency in financial reporting and independent audits and accounting services for public companies, to create a Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, to enhance the standard setting process for accounting practices, to strengthen the independence of firms that audit pubic companies, to increase corporate responsibility and the usefulness of corporate financial disclosure, to protect the objectivity and independence of securities analysts, to improve Securities and Exchange Commission resources and oversight, and for other purposes." "The individual is the central, rarest, most precious capital resource of our society." -Peter Drucker (1909-2005) In this episode I'll discuss Internal Business Controls - what are they? - what is their purpose? - what are their limitations? We'll also talk about policies for cell phone use at work. I'll share 10 very important tips that you must follow to use a cell phone like a real professional in the workplace! Thanks to those of you who have subscribed to the MBA Essential Tip. Don't forget to send your feedback or questions to . Thanks for listening- Do Good Work, Laura
Direct download: MBA_WGP_30_-_Precious_Capital_Resource.mp3
Category: podcasts -- posted at: 9:31 PM
Fri, 28 September 2007
-Traditional vs. Non-Traditional MBA programs
-What does an MBA degree cost? -Going Green listener comment Welcome back to the MBA Working Girl Podcast-Where Business Theory and the Real World Collide! I'm your host, Laura Adams. MBA Essential Tip: Have you ever wondered what all the new MBA programs are about and what they cost? Why aren't there so many options for nursing school or engineering programs? The reason is simple demand for the MBA degree. Whether you want to go back to school during the day, weeknight, weekend, or via computer, there's a program for you! MBA programs are certainly a great profit center for many public and private universities these days. Getting an advanced business degree is a great feather in your cap that can help you get: -More responsibility -More income -More credibility -Flexibility to change careers -More security in a down economy -Marketable skills and training -More confidence -A wider professional network "Only the educated are free" - Epictetus (55-135 AD) In this show I'll review different types of MBA programs that are available today. I share specific program details and prices from my alma mater, the University of Florida. Also hear a great "Going Green" listener comment about show #27 that you can put to use today! If you enjoy the show, consider taking a few minutes to write a brief review at iTunes. Please click here to go to the MBA WGP page. Keep the feedback and comments coming to ! Thanks for listening- Do Good Work, Laura
Direct download: MBA_WGP_29_-_Only_the_Educated_are_Free.mp3
Category: podcasts -- posted at: 10:19 PM
Fri, 21 September 2007
-What's appropriate workplace Fun?
-Benefits of having Fun in the workplace -Rate your own Soft Skill set Welcome back to the MBA Working Girl Podcast-Where Business Theory and the Real World Collide! I'm your host, Laura Adams. MBA Essential Tip: Is "having fun at work" just another management trend du jour? Perhaps, but I do believe that our greatest performance comes when we: enjoy what we do for a living, enjoy the people we work with, and feel a sense of shared commitment. If having good, clean fun at work can enhance those 3 variables and ultimately be beneficial for an organization - why not have some fun? Think about integrating fun into your company culture by scheduling it each year in advance. Perhaps once a month or once a quarter you have an off-site event for your entire company or department. Maybe it's bowling, paint balling, roller skating, or team sports like softball, kickball, or soccer. It's great to have fun as a reward - but also think about workplace fun as a necessity to keep morale up and teamwork working! "A smile is the shortest distance between people." -Victor Borge (1909-2000) Do you think it's appropriate or professional to have fun at work? In this episode we'll discuss the definition of workplace fun. I'll reveal some of the many benefits and I'll share with you what's NOT considered fun in the workplace! You'll also hear about Soft Skills - specifically the 3 most important ones to master for personal and organizational success. Thanks for your feedback - send email to . Or phone in a voice message to 206-888-2337. Thanks for listening- Do Good Work, Laura
Direct download: MBA_WGP_28_-_The_Shortest_Distance_Between_People.mp3
Category: podcasts -- posted at: 5:00 AM
Tue, 11 September 2007
-Is Going Green a good business strategy?
-10 Ideas that make it Easy to Be Green -Moving into Business from a non-Business career Welcome back to the MBA Working Girl Podcast-Where Business Theory and the Real World Collide! I'm your host, Laura Adams. MBA Essential Tip: Does it always make economic sense for a company to Go Green? The answer depends on your specific business industry and size. What does a company have to do to honestly promote themselves as a Green business? We still need more comprehensive data to understand what's really good for the Earth. For example, is an electric car a good product because it doesn't emit pollutants into the air - or is it a bad product because of the huge amount of fuel that must be burned to produce the electricity required to power the car for one year. With time, Green technology will evolve and the data will enable businesses and consumers to clearly see the right choices they should make. Environmentalism seems to hit a nerve with so many people. And many companies are promoting their Green-ness in an effort to capitalize on the customers' fuzzy knowledge about what is eco-ethical right now. But there are many opportunities for companies who can truthfully position their products, services, or culture as being Green. "There are no passengers on spaceship earth. We are all crew." -Marshall McLuhan (1911-1980) In this episode we'll talk about the growing trend of "Going Green". I'll share my thoughts on how it can fit into your business strategy. And if you're not already turning Green, I have 10 easy tips that you can immediately use to Green Up some more at your home office or workplace! And maybe you're thinking about moving into a Business career from a non-Business career such as Education. I'll recommend some ways to think about this type of transition and to prepare for it. We have a new voicemail number - please send in a question or comment by calling 206-888-2337. Thanks for listening - Do Good Work, Laura
Direct download: MBA_WGP_27_-_No_Passengers_on_Spaceship_Earth.mp3
Category: podcasts -- posted at: 9:33 PM
Wed, 5 September 2007
-Should you settle a lawsuit out of Court?
-Using Virtual Assistants -Review for Riches Contest, win $100!!! Welcome back to the MBA WGP-Where Business Theory and the Real World Collide! I'm your host, Laura Adams. MBA Essential Tip: It's becoming more common for companies to require their employees to sign an agreement that they will not initiate a lawsuit against the company. Instead, as a condition of employment, all work-related disputes must go to binding arbitration or nonbinding mediation. This provides a less expensive and faster method to resolve disputes than a jury trial. Under some state laws, arbitration agreements are not enforceable unless they contain certain protections for employees, such as a neutral arbitrator. But it's interesting to note that the U.S. Supreme Court has upheld mandatory arbitration of employment claims, even those based on federal statutes. "Pride sullies the noblest character" -Claudianus Don't miss this show where we discuss 12 points to consider when you're faced with a lawsuit. This can be an emotional time when your pride can lead you in the wrong direction. I'll share some information about a company called Brickwork at and using a Virtual Assistant. And don't miss out on your chance to win $100 in the Reviews for Riches Contest at Podcast Pickle at You simply need to type up a short review for the show by Friday, Sept. 7th at 1:59pm Central Time-DON'T DELAY! Email comments, questions, or feedback to Thanks for listening- Do Good Work, Laura
Direct download: MBA_WGP_26_-_To_Settle_or_Not_to_Settle.mp3
Category: podcasts -- posted at: 10:03 PM
Sun, 26 August 2007
-Buying Decision Process, part 2
-What determines Customer Satisfaction? -Most Irritating Words and Phrases! Welcome back to the MBA Working Girl Podcast-Where Business Theory and the Real World Collide! I'm your host, Laura Adams. It's good to be working on the podcast again after taking a short summer break. MBA Essential Tip: You may think that once a customer buys from you that your work is done. Great Marketers know that Post Purchase Communication can result in fewer complaints, product returns, or service cancellations. Yes, sending a letter or making a phone call to a customer immediately after the sale can be HUGE. The simple act of asking a customer if they are happy can make a dissatisfied customer satisfied! Showing that you care about your customers' level of satisfaction is often times what they need to become fully satisfied. Post Purchase Communication is also the best opportunity to ask for referral business, solicit customer suggestions for improvements, or to provide additional resources for customer concerns. If you are in sales or are in a service-oriented business, don't underestimate the rewards you can reap from various kinds of Post Purchase Communication! In this episode we pick up where we left off in Show #24 with the Buying Decision Process. We'll review the complexity of Stage 4, the Purchase Decision. And we discuss Post Purchase Behavior. Find out what some of the most irritating words and phrases are, according to the Plain English Campaign! Subscription to this podcast is free and easy at iTunes! All contact information is found on the blog at Click here to go to the MBA WGP page in itunes where listeners can submit reviews. Reviews are a great way to support the show and help increase our rankings! Thanks for listening- Do Good Work, Laura
Direct download: MBA_WGP_25_-_During_and_After_a_Decision.mp3
Category: podcasts -- posted at: 10:26 AM
Fri, 10 August 2007
-How we make buying decisions
-Understanding the 5 stage Purchase Process Welcome back to the MBA Working Girl Podcast-Where Business Theory and the Real World Collide! I'm your host, Laura Adams. MBA Essential Tip: The reasons how and why consumers decide to buy a product or service is of extreme interest to marketers. If we know what motivates a potential customer, we have more power to influence their buying behavior. This is a great goal, because marketing's influence upon customers ultimately serves to better meet their needs! As consumers, our buying behavior is shaped by internal (endogenous) or external (exogenous) factors, or a combination of both. Internal factors could be our level of education, self-image, personality, attitudes or personal motives. External factors would be family, social status, culture, and reference groups such as peers. "A weak man has doubts before a decision, a strong man has them afterwards." -Karl Kraus (1874-1936) In this show I review stages 1-4 of the Buying Decision Process. I hope it will prompt you to become more aware of your own thoughts and feelings as you move through each stage. If you're enjoying the podcast, consider showing your support for the show by submitting a good review on iTunes at our podcast page, sending feedback to , or simply sharing the show with a like-minded friend! Click here to go directly to the MBA WGP iTunes podcast page! Thanks for listening! Do Good Work, Laura
Direct download: MBA_WGP_24_-_Before_a_Decision.mp3
Category: podcasts -- posted at: 8:45 PM
Wed, 1 August 2007
-Perception's impact on you
-Personal Promotion -The Right Way to Apologize Welcome back to the MBA Working Girl Podcast - Where Business Theory and the Real World Collide! I'm your host, Laura Adams. MBA Essential Tip: Your perception in the workplace is especially important if you're a Supervisor or Manager. Showing favoritism to any subordinate is not ethical. As a leader, you don't even want the slightest perception that you would treat one employee more favorably than another. Many times it's difficult for new Supervisors or Managers to accept that they're different from everyone else, and must act accordingly. It's to your benefit to be close, but not too close to your employees. You must be approachable, yet keep a healthy distance. You are the person the group is depending on for recognition, rewards, and discipline! In this show I discuss Perception's impact on you in the workplace and in your personal life. Understand how to use communication to clarify your intentions. We'll also cover the right way to apologize when you've let someone down or offended them. Your feedback or questions are always welcome - send email to . Thanks for listening- Do Good Work, Laura
Direct download: MBA_WGP_23_-_Perception_is_Everything.mp3
Category: podcasts -- posted at: 9:01 PM
Mon, 23 July 2007
-Understanding Cash vs. Accrual Accounting
-6 Tips for Smarter Emailing Welcome back to the MBA Working Girl Podcast-Where Business Theory and the Real World Collide! I'm your host, Laura Adams. MBA Essential Tip: In the U.S. most small businesses can choose whether to use the Cash or Accrual Accounting method. But if a business stocks inventory that is sold to the public, the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requires the use of the Accrual method. In the Accrual method, the critical date for billing your customers is upon job completion. You must deliver all goods or finish all services under contract before the revenue can be recorded in your books. And you record your expense items once all goods or services have been received or fully installed. "To state the facts frankly is not to despair the future nor indict the past." -John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) In this show I discuss the basics of both accounting methods in way you'll easily understand. And I'll give you 6 good tips for sending Smarter Email that will help you stay out of trouble! Remember that subscribing to this podcast is free and easy to do at itunes! If you don't use itunes, download it for free at Then click the subscribe button on our podcast page by clicking this link. Thanks for listening- Do Good Work, Laura
Direct download: MBA_WGP_22_-_State_the_Facts_Frankly.mp3
Category: podcasts -- posted at: 9:09 PM
Sun, 15 July 2007
-Who Qualifies for Overtime Pay?
-Fair Labor Standards Act -Who's doing the most Personal Tasks at work, a survey reveals! Welcome back to the MBA Working Girl Podcast-Where Business Theory and the Real World collide! I'm your host, Laura Adams. MBA Essential Tip: The U.S. federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) was enacted in 1938 to regulate the minimum wage, overtime pay, and the use of child labor. This law does not apply to Independent Contractors-only to employees. FLSA does not limit the number of hours that an employee can work in a day or in a week. And it does not provide for compensation while an employee is traveling to or from their job. The law does permit employees to receive comp time in lieu of overtime pay. Comp time is extra paid vacation time given to the employee instead of overtime pay. In this episode I talk about being paid for overtime work. You'll learn about your rights for receiving overtime compensation. You may be surprised to know who is qualified for overtime pay and who is not! I'll also share interesting survey results that reveal who is spending the most time at work doing personal tasks... I always love to hear your feedback! Contact me at . Thanks to those of you who are signed up for the MBA Essential Tip. And as always, thanks for listening- Do Good Work, Laura
Direct download: MBA_WGP_21_-_Value_Yourself_Value_your_Time.mp3
Category: podcasts -- posted at: 12:29 PM
Sat, 7 July 2007
-Creating Value for Customers
-5 Customer Needs-including secret ones! -The 4 Questions you must answer to Sell anything Welcome back to the MBA Working Girl Podcast-Where Business Theory and the Real World Collide! I'm your host, Laura Adams. MBA Essential Tip: The price of a product or service is not just a revenue generator. Price is also a vehicle that communicates with the customer in a psychological way. The psychology can come from: Reference Prices - these are standards of comparison against which a purchase price is evaluated. These can be either external or internal. An external example would be a price tag that shows an original price from which markdowns have been made. An internal example would be the price a customer paid for the exact same product last year. Price and Perceived Quality Relationship - contrary to standard economic theory, a higher price can create higher, rather than lower demand! This happens when a high price is used as a signal that the product or service is of high quality. So, the purpose of a product's price is not just to recover it's costs, but to capture the maximum perceived value that the customer holds in their mind for the product. "No matter how good you get you can always get better" -Tiger Woods In this episode I review the Customer Value Triad and give you a mathematical way to think about Value. We'll also cover the 5 types of needs all customers have (whether they know it or not!). And I'll share the 4 critical questions that hold the power for salespeople and marketing managers to be able to sell anything! Send show comments or feedback to Thanks for listening- Do Good Work, Laura
Direct download: MBA_WGP_20_-_You_Can_Always_Get_Better.mp3
Category: podcasts -- posted at: 9:15 PM
Sun, 1 July 2007
-Employee vs. Independent Contractor status
-10 Habits of Highly Effective Employees (or ICs!) Welcome back to the MBA Working Girl Podcast-Where Business Theory and the Real World Collide! I'm your host, Laura Adams. MBA Essential Tip: In the show I interchange the terms Independent Contractor and Independent Subcontractor. Just to clarify, here are the definitions of the two. *A Independent Subcontractor is an individual or business that signs a contract to perform part or all of the obligations of another's contract. *An Independent Contractor is an individual or business that provides goods or services to another entity under terms specified in a contract. Employers are liable for the torts (civil wrongs for which remedies may be obtained) of their employees, as long as the employee is acting within the scope of employment. However, employers are generally not liable for torts committed by the Independent Contractors they hire. When hiring an IC, the employer is bargaining only for their work results. When hiring an employee, the employer has the right to control the conduct of the employee. "By the work one knows the workmen" -Jean De La Fontaine (1621-1695) This show continues the discussion about U.S. Labor Law - specifically outlining the major differences between Employee vs. Independent Contractor status. I'm not an attorney, but hope to enable you to recognize the differences more clearly. Are you a Highly Effective Employee (or IC)? Tune in and I'll share the top 10 habits that reveal if you're highly effective! Remember to sign up for the MBA Essential Tip - not only do you get extra content not found in the show, but you get notification as soon as a new podcast is released! Thanks for listening- Do Good Work, laura
Direct download: MBA_WGP_19_-_By_the_Work_One_Knows_the_Workmen.mp3
Category: podcasts -- posted at: 9:47 PM
Sat, 23 June 2007
-Discrimination Law Introduction
-Which companies must comply? -What's considered Discrimination in the workplace Welcome back to the MBA Working Girl Podcast - Where Business Theory and the Real World Collide! I'm your host, Laura Adams. MBA Essential Tip: There are instances when an employer does not have to comply with Discrimination Law. Bona Fide Occupational Qualifications (BFOQ) allow an employer to hire someone on the basis of their religion, sex, or national orgin if those factors are reasonably necessary to the normal operation of that business. This BFOQ defense is NEVER valid if discrimination is based on someone's race or skin color. The employer must show that a person's religion, sex or national origin excluded them from being able to perform the job they were denied. "Law is order, and good law is good order" -Aristotle (384-322 BC) The topic of this show is an introduction to Title VII, the U.S. Discrimination Law. I'm not an attorney, but if you want an introduction to this important labor law, tune in to the podcast. You'll learn about your rights as an employer and as an employee. You may be surprised to know that not all U.S. companies have to comply with this law. Thanks very much to the growing number of listeners who have subscribed to the show in iTunes! Shoot an email to - I'd like to know your ideas for future show subjects. Thanks for listening- Do Good Work, Laura
Direct download: MBA_WGP_18_-_Law_is_Order.mp3
Category: podcasts -- posted at: 12:02 PM
Wed, 13 June 2007
-What creates Job Satisfaction?
-Differences between Jobs, Careers, and Callings -Tips for higher Job Satisfaction Welcome back to the MBA Working Girl Podcast-Where Business Theory and the Real World Collide! I'm your host, Laura Adams. MBA Essential Tip: Pare down your daily To-Do list to only those tasks you really need or want to accomplish. If the list is too large, it can seem overwhelming and actually be a distraction. Get more accomplished by completing your most critical tasks early in the day. Most of us are more creative in the mornings. It's also usually a quiet time to think before the phone starts ringing. You feel so much more at ease during the day when you know important work has already been done! "Whatever satisfies the soul is truth" -Walt Whitman (1819-1892) The topic of this podcast is Job Satisfaction. I'll cover 5 major models of Job Satisfaction that focus on unique causes. There's been lots of study to examine the relationship between Job Satisfaction and other organizational variables. Listen to learn about those variables that have the strongest relationship to Job Satisfaction. Do you approach work as a Job, Career, or a Calling? Find out the different perspectives that people embrace. And hear 7 tips for improved Job Satisfaction that you can use right now! I want to learn more about the MBA WGP listeners - yes, you!!! Send me an email with show feedback. Tell me what topics you like or what topics benefit you the most. THANKS FOR LISTENING- Do Good Work, Laura
Direct download: MBA_WGP_17_-_Whatever_Satisfies_the_Soul.mp3
Category: podcasts -- posted at: 9:54 PM
Sat, 9 June 2007
-Organizational Behavior
-Job Performance components -Types of Organizational Commitment Welcome back to the MBA Working Girl Podcast - Where Business Theory and the Real World Collide! I'm your host, Laura Adams. MBA Essential Tip: Most companies are in business to make a profit. Is that also why employees work for companies, to bring home the bacon? To a large extent, yes. But many are also interested in a career that makes a difference. Great companies understand that work-life has to transcend a worker's monetary needs and provide them with a vision and purpose. Whether you are a top manager, owner, or at an entry level position, encourage the development of a purpose for your company that will elevate its reason for existence above monetary income. A common vision encourages teamwork and will get the best work from people. Determine what your product or service really does for your customers. How does it solve their problem(s) and why did they come to you vs. to your competition? This is the first step to establishing your company's higher purpose. "Losers make promises they often break. Winners make commitments they always keep." -Denis Waitley This episode is about Organizational Behavior and two major areas of focus - Job Performance and Organizational Commitment. We'll review the detailed components of both. Find out what type of Organizational Commitment you have (or don't have!). I share the top 3 factors that make people more likely to remain with their current employer. If you're enjoying the podcast, send questions, comments, or feedback to . Sign up for the MBA Essential Tip - you'll receive an email notification as soon as each new show is released! Thanks for listening- Do Good Work, Laura
Direct download: MBA_WGP_16_-_Winners_Make_Commitments.mp3
Category: podcasts -- posted at: 11:23 AM
Wed, 30 May 2007
-Financial Statements, part 2
-Time Management & Busy-ness -Tips to Free More Time Welcome back to the MBA Working Girl Podcast - Where Business Theory and the Real World Collide! I'm your host, Laura Adams Our mission is to bring you tips and information to help you take your career to the next level. Be more effective. Get a promotion. Become a better manager. Make your business more profitable. Do you want an MBA education, but don't have the time, money, or lifestyle to pursue and advanced degree? Or maybe your business education just needs to be refreshed... Podcasts are a great way to learn when and where you want! "Doing a thing well is often a waste of time" -Robert Byrne This episode is a continuation of our discussion about Financial Statements - specifically the Income Statement and the Statement of Cash Flows. Even if you don't work in Accounting or in a financial field, understanding the purpose of these different flow statements is important. You become a well-rounded business person when you can analyze some numbers! You may be surprised to hear me say that it's bad to be busy. I'll talk about why we all need to rethink what tasks are really important. Hear 4 tips to help you free up more free time to spend it on the things that count. Please send me your feedback or thoughts about the show - I always like to hear what's on your mind. Send an email to or a voice comment to 206-350-0337. And if you're not a podcast subscriber, it's free and easy to do at! Thanks for listening- Do Good Work, Laura
Direct download: MBA_WGP_15_-_Doing_a_Thing_Well.mp3
Category: podcasts -- posted at: 9:20 PM
Wed, 23 May 2007
-Accounting Introduction -Financial Statements, part 1 -Keys to Getting Promoted Welcome back to the MBA Working Girl Podcast-Where Business Theory and the Real World Collide! I'm your host, Laura Adams.Our mission is to bring you tips and information to help you take your career to the next level. Be more effective. Get a promotion. Become a better manager. Make your business more profitable. "Learn a new language and get a new soul."-Czech Proverb In this show, I hope to open your mind to the powerful impact that basic Accounting knowledge can have on your career success. Believe it or not, it's not just for CPAs and corporate Accountants! Why else would it be called the Language of Business? We'll cover an important Financial Statement-the Balance Sheet-in easy to understand terms. Then I'll wrap it up by sharing 6 key concepts for Getting a Promotion. I also need to make you aware of a correction to Show #7. The financial quiz answer should be $13,173,937. The link at to find this answer is "How much will my investment be worth in the future if I add to it yearly? Thanks to all the new podcast subscribers! Subscriptions are free and allow you to get new shows as soon as they are published. For more details on different ways to subscribe, click the button on the right side of the page that says Find Out How-Watch Tutorial. Or click here to go directly to our iTunes podcast page. You can also write a review of the show in iTunes by clicking here. Thanks for listening,Do Good Work, Laura
Direct download: MBA_WGP_14_-_Learn_a_New_Language.mp3
Category: podcasts -- posted at: 8:36 PM
Thu, 17 May 2007
-Business Plans, why create them?
-Components of a Business Plan -Time Management Tip, part 2 Welcome back to the MBA Working Girl Podcast - Where Business Theory and the Real World Collide! I'm your host, Laura Adams Our mission is to bring you tips and information to help you take your career to the next level. Be more effective. Get a promotion. Become a better manager. Make your business more profitable. "Chance favors only the prepared mind" -Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) Thanks to Mark Jensen from the Podsqod podcast for setting me in motion for this episode! There are lots of reasons why new and existing businesses should create formal Business Plans:
Perhaps you have an idea for a brand new business that you want to pitch to potential partners, investors, or lenders. Maybe your business is looking to expand it's product or service offering. Or perhaps you manage a business where employees don't seem to have alignment of mission or vision. In this show you'll learn about the 6 components of a good Business Plan. I'll complete the Time Managment Tip about overcoming procrastination that we started back in Show #12. A big Thank You to all new podcast subscribers. If you want to leave a message with any questions, comments, or show feedback - call 206-350-0337. Head over to my podcast page on iTunes to subscribe or write a review of the show. Thanks for listening- Do Good Work, Laura
Direct download: MBA_WGP_13_-_Chance_Favors_the_Prepared_Mind.mp3
Category: podcasts -- posted at: 7:38 PM
Wed, 9 May 2007
-The Nature of Success
-Business Ethics listener poll results -Time Management Quick Tip Welcome to the MBA Working Girl Podcast - Where Business Theory and the Real World Collide! I'm your host, Laura Adams. Our mission is to bring you tips and information to help you take your career to the next level. Be more effective. Get a promotion. Become a better manager. Make your business more profitable. Thanks to coolpodcasts for posting a review about the show! Here's what they had to say: "This podcast is for those who are not pursuing an MBA program but want to know what it is to be one... (it) provides great learning tools and information about real business school theory and actual business practice. And whether you are a working adult, part-time or a full-time MBA student, listenening to this podcast will surely help you to become a better and more improved professional." "To follow, without halt, one aim: there's the secret of success" -Anna Pavlova (1881-1931) An article titled "Success is Made, Not Born... Just Ask Bill Gates and Warren Buffet" by Tim Appelo in the latest Success Magazine inspired this show. Tune in to find the secrets of success! In show #11 I asked who you thought was more likely to compromise Business Ethics - entry level managers OR more highly compensated managers. I'll share results from an Industy Week survey that interviewed 1300 managers to find out. And the Time Management QT is about a dirty word called procrastination... Thanks for listening- Do Good Work, Laura
Direct download: MBA_WGP_12_-_Theres_the_Secret_of_Success.mp3
Category: podcasts -- posted at: 6:40 PM
Fri, 4 May 2007
-Business Ethics and Theories
-Making Ethical Decisions -Who's most likely to compromise Business Ethics? -Time Management Quick Tip Welcome to the MBA Working Girl Podcast - Where Business Theory and the Real World Collide! I'm your host, Laura Adams. Our mission is to bring you tips and information to help you take your career to the next level. Be more effective. Get a promotion. Become a better manager. Make your business more profitable. "Always do right--this will gratify some and astonish the rest" -Mark Twain (1835-1910) In this show we'll cover what Business Ethics is and what it's not. There's really no clear definition or description of the ingredients for good business ethics. But I'll share the 2 major schools of thought and give you guidance for how to make ethical decisions. I'm taking a LISTENER POLL to the answer to this question: Who is more likely to compromise Business Ethics - Entry Level Managers OR Highly Compensated Managers? Send your poll opinion to !!! Don't forget to sign up for the MBA Essential Tip - it's bonus show content, plus notification of newly published shows. Thanks for listening- Do Good Work, Laura
Direct download: MBA_WGP_11_-_Always_Do_Right.mp3
Category: podcasts -- posted at: 8:17 PM
Fri, 27 April 2007
-Strategic Management
-5 Steps of Strategic Planning -Mission Statements revealed Welcome to the MBA Working Girl Podcast - Where Business Theory and the Real World Collide! I'm your host, Laura Adams. Our mission is to bring you tips and information to help you take your career to the next level. Be more effective. Get a promotion. Become a better manager. Make your business more profitable. "A goal without a plan is just a wish" -Antoine de Saint-Exupery (1900-1944) Strategic Management is applicable to anyone who wants to accomplish something in business or in life. I'm excited to bring you this topic because it can create success for huge organizations as well as for individuals! Listen to the show to learn the 5 steps of strategic planning. The first is the most important: Creating a Mission Statement. We'll cover the 3 components of a well-crafted Mission Statement. Use this to focus your vision for your business or personal life. If you're enjoying the podcasts, take a moment to help me with one of my goals by posting a good review in iTunes. Click here to go to my iTunes podcast page. Thanks for listening- Do Good Work, Laura
Direct download: MBA_WGP_10_-_A_Goal_Without_a_Plan_is_Just_a_Wish.mp3
Category: podcasts -- posted at: 8:17 PM
Fri, 20 April 2007
-The Marketing Concept
-Different Marketing Philosophies -Key to Superior Customer Service Welcome to the MBA Working Girl Podcast - Where Business Theory and the Real World Collide! I'm your host, Laura Adams. Our mission is to bring you tips and information to help you take your career to the next level. Be more effective. Get a promotion. Become a better manager. Make your business more profitable. "Drive thy business or it will drive thee" -Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) What Marketing is, and who is involved with it, can be a difficult boundary to define. It's actually much more comprehensive than just pushing products or explaining benefits. In this podcast, you'll learn about the four different Marketing Philosophies. Plus, the key ingredient to providing Superior Customer Service. Do you think that "the customer is always right"? You may be surprised at my opinion of this modern slogan that we hear so much. MBA WGP "subscriptions" in iTunes or other podcast directories such as Yahoo or Juice are always free of charge. Subscribing is a listener convenience that allows you to receive fresh content as soon as it's published. Feedback is always welcome at ! THANKS FOR LISTENING- Do Good Work, Laura
Direct download: MBA_WGP_9_-_Drive_Thy_Business.mp3
Category: podcasts -- posted at: 8:44 PM
Fri, 13 April 2007
-Bad Communication habits
-What determines the Interest Rate? Welcome to the MBA Working Girl Podcast - Where Business Theory and the Real World Collide! I'm your host, Laura Adams. Our mission is to bring you tips and information to help you take your career to the next level. Be more effective. Get a promotion. Become a better manager. Make your business more profitable. "Money alone sets all the world in motion" -Publius Syrus (1st c. BC) If you communicate with uncertainty or a lack of power, you have a bad communication habit that needs to be corrected. Always speak firmly and positively, with the implication that YOU have control over your actions and choices. I give some examples in the podcast. This show covers the determinants of the Interest Rate in very easy to understand terms. See what affects both the demand for and supply of money in our economy. A big Thank You to all listeners - I'd love to hear your suggestions for future show topics. Email me at . Do Good Work, Laura
Direct download: MBA_WGP_8_-_Money_Sets_the_World_in_Motion.mp3
Category: podcasts -- posted at: 10:47 PM
Sun, 8 April 2007
-Your Job Search, what to consider?
-Benefits of Large vs. Small Companies -Answer to Financial Quiz Welcome to the MBA Working Girl Podcast - Where Business Theory and the Real World Collide! Our mission is to bring you tips and information to help you take your career to the next level. Be more effective. Get a promotion. Become a better manager. Make your business more profitable. "There is no security on this earth, there is only opportunity" - General Douglas MacArthur (1880 - 1964) Should you look for positions with large, well-known companies or consider positions with smaller businesses? We'll talk about some pros and cons of working for each in the podcast. The bottom line when considering job offers: you must look carefully at the entire package! ANSWER TO THE FINANCIAL QUIZ from Show #6 - $13,173,937 If you enjoy the podcasts, remember that subscribing at iTunes or your favorite podcatcher is always free. You can take the shows with you on your iPod or other portable media player - or listen directly from your computer. Feel free to email your questions or comments to . Thanks for listening- Do Good Work, Laura
Direct download: MBA_WGP_7_-_Theres_no_Security_Only_Opportunity.mp3
Category: podcasts -- posted at: 8:00 PM
Thu, 5 April 2007
-Personal Financial Management
-Workplace Retirement plans explained -How does your Net Worth stack up? -Take a quick Financial Quiz Welcome to the MBA Working Girl Podcast - Where Business Theory and the Real World Collide! Our mission is to bring you tips and information to help you take your career to the next level. Be more effective. Get a promotion. Become a better manager. Make your business more profitable. "To get ahead, get started" -Laura Adams (that's me!) This episode discusses the main types of Retirement plans available in the workplace. You'll learn why it's more important than ever to participate and start getting ahead. Have you ever wondered how you're doing financially as compared to the average American? I'll share some information with you to help you see how you stack up. TAKE A QUICK FINANCIAL QUIZ: If you invest $1,000 for your one year old child on their birthday each year, and the average return each year is 12% - approximately how much will the investment be worth when the child reaches age 65? IF YOU'RE NOT SURE HOW TO CALCULATE THIS- Check out The first person to email me the correct quiz answer wins a $10 gift certificate to!!! Thanks for listening- Do Good Work, Laura
Direct download: MBA_WGP_6_-_To_Get_Ahead_Get_Started.mp3
Category: podcasts -- posted at: 11:38 AM
Sun, 1 April 2007
-The Efficient Market Principle
-Secret to making unusually High Profits -Funny (but embarrassing) resume typos Welcome to the MBA Working Girl Podcast - Where Business Theory and the Real World Collide! Our mission is to bring you tips and information to help you take your career to the next level. Be more effective. Get a promotion. Become a better manager. Make your business more profitable. "He who hesitates is last" -Mae West (1892-1980) This podcast discusses an advanced Economic topic, called the Efficient Market Principle, using an easy to understand example. You'll learn about what's required to make unusually high profits in any industry or marketplace. Hear some funny resume typos - I hope none of them are yours! If you enjoy the podcasts, remember that subscribing at iTunes or your favorite podcatcher is always free. You can take the shows with you on your iPod or other portable media player - or listen directly from your computer. Feel free to email your questions or comments to Thanks for listening- Do Good Work, Laura
Direct download: MBA_WGP_5_-_He_Who_Hesitates_is_Last.mp3
Category: podcasts -- posted at: 2:50 PM
Thu, 29 March 2007
Show #4:
- 3 Principals of Teamwork - Organizational Benefits attributed to successful Teams - How much extra income can be earned by having an advanced
College Degree? Where Business Theory and the Real World Collide! Our mission is to bring you information to help you take your career to the next level. Be more effective. Get a promotion. Become a better manager. Make your business more profitable. "No one can whistle a symphony" - Halford E. Luccock (1885-1960) In the podcast we'll distinguish between groups and teams. We'll cover Team Fundamentals and what specific benefits successful teams bring to organizations. I'll also tell you how much extra income is the result of having an advanced college degree.... If you enjoy the podcast, I'd love to hear from you! Please email me at or post a review on iTunes. We're featured on the New and Notable header in the Business-Careers category. Thanks for listening- Do Good Work, Laura
Direct download: MBA_WGP_4_-_No_One_Can_Whistle_a_Symphony.mp3
Category: podcasts -- posted at: 9:59 PM
Sun, 25 March 2007
Show #3:
- The Basics of Decision Making
- Take a survey to see if you are a Real Professional! Our mission is to bring you information to help you take your career to the next level. Be more effective. Get a promotion. Become a better manager. Make your business more profitable. "The future depends on what we do in the present" -Mohandas K. Gandhi (1869-1948) Every one of us makes hundreds of decisions each day. When we must make decisions that have large consequences for ourselves or for our organization, it's helpful to understand the process of decision making. There are five basic steps that we'll review in the podcast... If you enjoy the show, please take a moment to put in a good review for us at iTunes. We're featured on the New and Notable header in the Business-Careers category! Thanks for listening- Do Good Work, Laura
Direct download: MBA_WGP_3_-_How_to_Make_Decisions.mp3
Category: podcasts -- posted at: 6:58 PM
Thu, 15 March 2007
Welcome to the MBA Working Girl Podcast - Leadership - the What & Whys - Nature vs. Nurture - Can leadership be taught? A leader is a dealer in hope -Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)
If you enjoy the show, please take a moment to put in a good review for us at itunes, where I'm pleased to be featured on the New and Notable header in the Business-Careers category! Thanks for listening! Do Good Work, Laura
Direct download: MBA_WG_2_-_A_Leader_is_a_Dealer_in_Hope.mp3
Category: podcasts -- posted at: 10:43 PM
Sun, 11 March 2007
Welcome to the MBA Working Girl Podcast -
Where Business Theory & the Real World Collide Show #1:
Much wisdom often goes with little words -Sophocles
Direct download: MBA_WGP_1_-_Written_Communication__Your_Prof_Image.mp3
Category: podcasts -- posted at: 2:08 PM